Who We Are

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The Shaping Futures Foundation is a private sector-led initiative

Working in collaboration with social and public sectors and academia to enhance regions in the US and East Africa. The Foundation’s goal is to culturally transform communities to be self-reliant and independent through access to education and skills training.


The Shaping Futures Foundation’s mission is to educate the minds Of

Children and youth so they can succeed in a competitive world with the tools needed; negotiate with foreign partners to bring better paying jobs to the local communities; and understand the integral role of health and wellness in decreasing health risk.

A Message From

Cordell B. Robinson

Our efforts will provide the tools and resources to help shape and change the lives of not just these children, but generations to come. Planting a foundational structure of opportunity, education, and success, will breed economic prosperity, reshape the the the thought process to the path of success and eradicate poverty.

Shaping Futures Foundation is a private sector-led initiative working in collaboration with social and public sectors and academia. The Foundation’s unique mission is to enhance regions in Africa with a goal of culturally transforming communities to be self- reliant and independent. By giving access to education and skills training, communities will be prepared to work in industries alongside the first-world nations.

Shaping Futures Foundation has partnered with communities like Malaika Kids, an orphanage in Tanzania providing children with a safe home, a caring loving family, and education. Our goal is to ensure that children in both the US and East Africa can succeed in a competitive world.

With the support of individuals, corporations, businesses, and communities, we can provide the resources needed to help educate youth in regards to: Financial Literacy, Technology, Life Skills and High In Demand Trades (ie Welding, Electrical, Plumbing, STEM) .

Further Goals

Education & Wellness

Shaping Futures Foundation will ensure children and youth can realize their full potential by expanding their talent through academics and vocational classes. We will support the needs of the community by providing educational programs, curriculum, health and nutrition resources, job creation, and training.

Economic Empowerment

Shaping Futures Foundation will partner with various companies to help contribute to global food security, nutrition, and economic growth. We will work together to strengthen governance and ensure effective management plans are in place to bring better paying jobs to alleviate poverty while also helping the children and youth understand their role and contributions to the global community.


Reduced Crime Rates Mentored youth are less likely to engage in criminal activities.
Economic Growth A well-educated and skilled youth workforce drives local economies.
Increased Civic Engagement Youth with mentors are more likely to give back to their communities.
Breaking Cycles of Poverty Mentorship provides tools to overcome generational challenges.

Our Staff

Zag Chapelle

Chief Administrative Officer

Crystal Rucker

Chief Operating Officer

Catherine Naigisa

Managing Director, East Africa Division

Lucky Church

Chief of Public Relations

Who We Are

The Foundation’s goal is to culturally transform communities to be self-reliant and independent through access to education and skills training.

Contact us

Shaping Futures Foundation

General Inquiries:
Event Inquiries:
Donor Inquiries:
donate@shapingff.org or call (202) 257-7174

United States
Washington, DC 20015
Phone: (202) 257-7174

Po box 6247 Arusha
Ngaramtoni near plaster house
Email: catherine@shapingff.org
Phone +255753196602
Phone (US): (202) 257-7174

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